Conducting Market Assessment of waste re-cycling and Develop a Business Case for the commercialisation of up-cycled plastic products in Juba
Terms of Reference (ToR)
1. Introduction and Background
DanChurchAid (DCA) is a Danish humanitarian non-governmental organization, was founded in 1922. Its headquarters are located in Copenhagen, Denmark. DanChurchAid has a vision of a world without hunger, poverty and oppression, in which popular and political powers constantly work strongly and actively for a just and sustainable distribution and use of the earth’s resources. DCA works for the poor, vulnerable and socially excluded communities. DanChurchAid South Sudan (DCA SS) focus mainly on humanitarian work, implementing a range of project through national NGOs.
DCA has a strong focus on innovation, environment, and youth engagement, and in relation to this, DCA SS is venturing into the potential field of plastic up-cycling together with a local youth-led organisation. DCA SS has an idea of a potential project, where plastic is up-cycled and turned into products, that can be sold locally – strengthening local value chains, combating the massive amounts of plastic, and including the youth in a meaningful way.
In order to ensure sustainability and feasibility of the project, DCA SS wants to conduct an assessment of the current situation with respect to waste management in Juba, including a mapping of the involved market actors, the value chain, and the potential for such products in South Sudan. The assessment must cover all aspects of the existing market (informal and formal) of waste re-cycling and up-cycling, identify any current actors in the market, and investigate the potential for the local partner, and their target groups, to engage in this market.
DCA SS is therefore looking for a consultant for conducting this assessment. This Term of Reference (ToR) provides the basic framework of the assignment and guides the specific course of actions to be carried out. The assessment is to be conducted in close collaboration with DCA SS and the local partner.
2. The Purpose of the Assignment
The assignment will be divided into two parts – 1) a general mapping of the current landscape within the solid waste re-cycling in Juba, and 2) an in-depth market assessment of plastic + one other identified solid waste group, as well as the development of a business case for the commercialisation of up-cycled plastic products in a local market context in Juba.
3. Scope of works under the Assignment
- Identify and map all relevant actors within waste collection and re-cycling in Juba (formal and informal sector) including waste pickers, commercial companies, NGOs, traders, etc.
- Map the existing value chains within waste re-cycling.
- Identify potential obstacles or taboos around waste re-cycling (at all levels i.e., collection, production and buying up-cycled products) with a gender and age focus.
- Measure willingness of people to engage in collection, production and using re-cycled/up-cycled products.
- Collect relevant primary and secondary data and information related to upcycled plastic production and marketing.
- Cost benefit analysis of plastic up-cycling production.
- Analyse and identify policy implication on waste re-cycling production.
- Identify current price structures within the waste cycle.
- Identify engagement and opportunities of core market actors including role of men, women, youth in waste re-cycling.
- To undertake discussions with potential government departments to identify their schemes, services, interest and expertise together with DCA and local partner.
- Make recommendations regarding DCA/local partner's potential engagement into the plastic waste market, including formulation of a 'light' business case to inform such decisions.
- The assignment is to be conducted in close collaboration with DCA and local partner.
4. The Scope and methodologies of the assignment
Geographic scope: The assessment will be conducted in Juba, Central Equatoria.
The Consultant is expected to propose a detailed methodology that will be essential to capture the elements mentioned in the previous sections (section 2; purpose of the assignment and section 3; Scope of works under the assignment). However, the following methodologies are suggested for consideration:
- Conduct desk research;
- Collect relevant data/information from different sources including from ground level.
- Interviews with actors within the formal and informal sector of waste handling and re-cycling (waste pickers, NGO’s, UN agencies, private companies, authorities)
- Interviews with market actors (traders and consumers)
- Interview the relevant responsible government entity
5. Deliverables
- An inception report is to be prepared and submitted by the consultant with in one week after signing the contract and it needs to include:
- Stakeholder mapping indicating various stakeholders to be interviewed and on what aspects.
- Detailed survey design, methodology, and sample size criteria.
- Detailed work plan including timelines, activities, and risks and mitigation measures.
- Bibliography of documents/secondary data sources utilised.
- Data collection tools and guides, such, key informant interview guides, focus group discussion guides, and analysis plan.
- Oral presentation of findings to DCA and partner after phase 1
- Oral presentation of findings after finishing phase 2
- Zero draft report.
- Draft Market Assessment Report and Business Case (recommendations)
- Raw data collected (Interview transcripts and qualitative data analysis matrix by identified themes)
- Final Market Assessment Report and Business Case
6. Timeline and reporting
The whole process might take up to 6-7 weeks and the estimated Level of Effort (LOE) for assignment is from 4-5 weeks period. DCA is flexible with timing, but the assignment must be fully completed before September 2023. Please note, the below tentative timeline might be revised during the preparation of the inception after having discussion with the DCA team.
Tasks during the assignment:
- Preparatory meeting for finalizing methodology (within 1-2 days after signing contract)
- Submission of inception report (within 5 days after signing contract)
- Desk research, analysis, data collection, FGD, meeting, interview, consultation, report preparation (2nd to 3rd week)
- Preliminary findings presentation focusing on the general waste management in Juba (Phase 1 of the assessment) (3rd week)
- Further data analysis and interpretation focusing on development of business case for the commercialisation of up-cycled plastic products in Juba (4th week)
- Presentation and submission of zero draft of the report (at end of 5th week)
- Feedbacks/comments from contracting authorities (within 2 days after presentation and submission of the zero-draft report)
- Submission of the draft report (by mid of 6th week)
- Final feedback/comments from contracting authority (within 1 week after submission of the draft report)
- Submission of final version of the report (by end of 7th week)
7. Logistic and Facilities
- DCA will provide a total amount to the consultant or consulting firm as per agreed schedule. The consultant or consulting firm should estimate all relevant costs in the financial proposal.
- DCA, through its partners, will provide necessary facilitation support to the consultant or consulting firm as per agreed plan.
8. Qualification of the Consultant
- Post graduate level education qualification in related subjects (Business administration, Economics, Development studies, or related);
- At least 7 years demonstrated experience in value chains and markets assessments and a good understanding of the context in South Sudan;
- Proven technical knowledge, skills and experiences in the field of market assessment, inclusive markets system development through community enterprise set-up;
- Previous experience in conducting similar assignment and having insights into solid waste management
- Practical experiences on working and linking the private sector, local business service providers and relevant government departments;
- Good understanding of right based approach, gender, governance, inclusion;
- Strong analytical and reporting skills;
- Excellent written and spoken English;
9. Outline of Technical Proposal
- About the Consultant or Consulting Firm (Name, Contact Address, Legal Entity, Track Records and Experiences, Other Capacities or Facilities - please submit the evidence of similar works/experiences as annex)
- Understanding of the assignment
- Proposed Methodologies (details; including tools as annexures)
- Proposed outline of business case
- Detailed work-plan of the deliverables with specific timeline
- Reporting and Documentation
- Human Resources and Technical experts for this assignment (with CV)
- Other issue (if any)
10. Submission of Technical Proposal and financial proposal
Interested Individual Consultants or Consulting Firms are invited to submit Technical and Financial Proposals to by 10th of July (05:00 PM GMT+2) mentioning ‘Conducting Market Assessment of re-cycling in Juba and Develop a Business Case for its Commercialization’. Only short-listed applicants will be communicated. For any clarifications needed or questions before submission, please direct them to Ida Højgaard on
How to apply
Interested Consultants are invited to submit Technical and Financial Proposals to by 10th of July (05:00 PM GMT+2) mentioning ‘Conducting Market Assessment of re-cycling in Juba and Develop a Business Case for its Commercialization’. Only short-listed applicants will be communicated. For any clarifications needed or questions before submission, please direct them to Ida Højgaard on