1. Background Information
DanChurchAid’s (DCA) vision is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life in dignity. DCA is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian organizations in Denmark, working both with long-term development projects and humanitarian action since 1922. DCA has four thematic priorities: Save lives; Build Resilient Communities; and Fight Extreme Inequalities. DCA's international programmes contribute to the fulfilment of several SDGs, including SDG 2, 5, 8, 13, 16 and 17.
DCA Kenya in consortium with commercial partners Ingemann (a Danish company), Momentum Trust (non-profit) and Juhudi Kilimo (a micro-finance entity) have secured a 3.5-year (July 2020 – December 2023) project funding from the Danida Market Development Partnerships funding modality 2020. The project aims to increase agricultural production and access to financing for smallholder farmers in Nakuru, Nyandarua, Siaya and Busia Counties Kenya facing climate change effects by introducing innovative, digital, climate resilience platforms for agricultural advisory services and credit risk assessment. The development objective is to increase employment opportunities and financial inclusion for 4,000 smallholder farmers (thus contributing to SDG target 8.4 and 8.5). The commercial objective is to catalyse local market development through commercialization of digital AgriTech platforms, which improve agricultural productivity and access to micro credit services for local producers and business enterprises (contributing to SDG targets 8.2 and 8.10).
As part of the AgriTech project inception phase, the consortium partners wish to undertake a baseline assessment covering the project beneficiaries in Nakuru, Nyandarua, Busia and Siaya counties, Kenya.
2. Detailed Project information
Project Title
Agri-Tech Solutions for Climate Resilience and Financial Inclusion of Smallholders in Kenya
Brief description & project vision
This project aims to increase agricultural production and access to financing for smallholder farmers in Kenya facing climate change effects by introducing innovative, digital climate resilience platforms for agricultural advisory services and credit risk assessment. Ingemann’s - the key commercial partner - AgroClimatica and BioClimatica climate based digital platforms that have been implemented successfully in Central and South America, seeks to advance their business into Africa, and the project offers an opportunity to build a viable business case for this expansion. The project’s other commercial partner is a Juhudi Kilimo, a Kenyan microfinance institution specialised in financing agricultural assets to increase sustainable income for farmers. The project offers them an opportunity for testing AgroClimatica, a credit risk scoring tool factoring in farmers’ crops and production systems together with climatic conditions and probabilities which reduces rates of de-faulted loans. The opportunity to promote the digital agro-extension advisory services, BioClimatica, will improve farmers’ production and increase incomes for better loan refunds. Together with DanChurchAid (DCA), Momentum Trust will work to strengthen the operations and governance of smallholder farmer organisations, allowing smallholder farmers to benefit from economies of scale and enhance their negotiation stance.
Programme level
Employment (decent jobs) for women, men and youth
No. of beneficiaries with increased income opportunities from improved
market linkages
Viability of the project’s business case (long-term sustainability)
Awareness of responsible business conduct and capacity to work with RBC in
the partnerships
Project Outcomes
The development outcome (A) of this project is: Smallholder farmers have increased incomes through climate resilient livelihoods and financial inclusion
The business case outcome (B) of this project is: Strong, RBC-based business case for smallholder farmers, off-takers, financial service providers and providers of agri-tech solutions for climate adaptation, which can be up-scaled to other African countries
Project Outputs
Output 1: Increased access to climate adapted agro-extension advisory services enabling smallholder farmers to adapt to
climate change in their agricultural production
Output 2: Enhanced capacity of smallholder farmers to organise and collectively act to support sustainable agricultural production
Output 3: Increased capacity of financial service providers to effectively assess climate profiled credit risks and advancing financial products and services to smallholder
Output 4: Strengthening responsible business conduct in agricultural supply and value chains to ensure sustainable solutions, climate adaption and smallholder inclusion.
Output 5: Enhanced communication, accountability and learning on how to turn climate risks into opportunities through agri-tech solutions.
Nakuru, Nyandarua, Busia and Siaya Counties, Kenya
Project period
July 2020 – December 2023
By 2023, at least 25 decent jobs created (50/50 women/men of which 50% are youth)) from software customisation and support, and from individuals employed by the strengthened co-operatives and other farmer organisations, in crop production and by financial service providers)
By 2023, 4,000 smallholder farmers (50/50 women/men of which 50% are youth) will have improved income opportunities and productivity using agritech solutions.
By 2023, BioClimatica has 30,000 monthly subscribers and two financial service providers use AgroClimatica for the credit risk assessment of 250,000 farmers.
By 2023, demonstrated multi-stakeholder business model applying RBC principles and practices to enable inclusive growth and climate resilience through agri-tech solutions.
Implementing partners
DanChurchAid and Momentum Trust
3. Baseline survey purpose
The purpose of this baseline is to collect data as benchmark for proposed activities against all the project outputs and outcomes to be included in the project, and qualifying project indicators (output and outcome level) for the project implementation phase. The survey will be conducted by way of designing data collection methodologies and collect data on all indicators of the project and project’s Results Framework (to be shared with the successful candidates in preparation for the interview process). Moreover, it should promote synergies with other indicators in the project’s overall Results Framework and Theory of Change.
The methodology(ies) should be replicable for the mid-term and final evaluation processes as well as for the ongoing monitoring processes – as espoused in the MEAL Framework**.** The baseline survey will provide the benchmarks against which any changes resulting from the project interventions and results will be measured. Moreover, DCA hopes the methodology can be replicated in similar DCA projects as well as generate lessons for the future.
4. Specific objectives of the survey
The following specific objectives will be pursued by the study:
- To design data collection methodologies for all project indicators include setting criteria, defining key aspects, and developing data collection tools.
- To collect, analyse and present baseline data for all project impact, outcome, and output indicators (both direct and indirect beneficiaries)
- Propose monitoring methods for measuring impact and sustainability of interventions and collect, analyse and present any baseline data related to this
- To inform next generation projects to replicate and/or scale-up similar actions
5. Scope of work & methodology **
The consultants are required to design, plan, carry-out and present the project’s baseline study for results at all levels, project effectiveness and sustainability. The study is to be conducted in Nakuru, Nyandarua, Busia and Siaya Counties based on a strategic, comprehensive and replicable sampling approach. The aspects below should be presented in the inception note. The baseline study should adopt a mixed methods approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure that data collected is triangulated and can be communicated, explained and contextualised. It is expected that the research team will combine a minimum of household surveys / questionnaires with structured interviews, Key Informant Interviews and focus group discussions. Research teams are encouraged to use innovative methods to collect and analyse data. Document and desk review should complement the collection of data and primary information sources.
The methodology should include reflections on cross-cutting priorities, i.e. how to promote:
· A pro-poor approach to smallholder inclusion in the project, with a view to promoting equal participation of women and youth and increasing poor farmers’ access to local markets. This should be done with a view to ensuring that this consortia design activities contribute to poverty reduction by promoting inclusive markets and avoid “doing harm” by excluding vulnerable farmers or community members Identification of farmers for involvement in the project, based on qualified selection criteria.
· Promoting accountable relations between farmers and local off-takers based on the principles of equal participation in the direct engagement and buyer relations between farmer and local companies, and in activities with other stakeholders.
Data collection
The sample size (# of communities, # of farmers, # of stakeholders etc.) and selection criteria will be determined in collaboration with the consortia and the consulting team to provide a fair and statistically relevant representation of the project beneficiaries and stakeholders. Information shall be collected from across specified beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders functioning across the Vegetable and Chia Value Chains, as well as financing of the same.
Data must be dis-aggregated by gender and age (youth is defined as people below 35 years).
6. Consultancy deliverables
The following will be the expected deliverables of the consultancy:
· Inception report prior to initiating the study, to be submitted electronically in English and detailing the below.
o The baseline study approach:-
§ sampling framework,
§ data collection strategy and methodologies,
§ data collection tools, criteria
§ etc.
o Work plan for the baseline study including: -
§ data collection processes as well as a quality assurance plan setting out the systems and processes for assuring the quality of the research process and deliverable viz., testing of the survey tools, training of enumerators, logistical and management planning, field work protocols and data verification;
§ data cleaning and analysis.
§ etc.
· Draft baseline report: after data collection, the report will be detailing the below:
o Summarising the methodology of the study and specifying any limitations /challenges and changes to the initial design.
o Collect and analyse the data resulting in a presentation of baseline values for all project indicators at all results levels
o Analysis of the aspects mentioned in the specific objectives above.
o Proposed indicators and monitoring methods for measuring impact and sustainability of interventions and collect and analyse baseline data related to this.
o Conclusions and recommendations to enhance the project success.
o This information will be outlined on a standard format as below:
§ Title Page
§ Acronyms
§ Executive Summary
§ Table of Contents
§ Introduction/Background
§ Methodology
§ Analysis of the findings
§ Conclusion and Recommendations
§ Annexes/Appendices
· Final baseline report takes into account the feedback from the consortia and adjustments made to the draft report.
· Baseline database including all primary data collected (in excel and/or any other or similar application).
· PowerPoint presentation summarising the main findings and key recommendations for the project
7. Roles and Responsibilities of DCA
Both DCA and Momentum Trust will manage the consultancy task jointly in close consultation. For administrative purpose, DCA is responsible for managing the contract including the procurement process, signing agreement with the selected company/firm, managing communications, whilst the consortia will closely involve in the whole process of ensuring the quality of the work through supporting in selection of capable firm/company/ consultant and commenting on the draft tools and reports at various levels.
Duration and time frame
The baseline study shall be expected to be completed within 30 working days with effect from the day of signing the contract with DCA
8. Consultants expertise required
The contract will be awarded to a recognised team of consultants, which can propose a research team meeting the following criteria:
· Relevant degree(s) in Social sciences/development studies and market systems development.
· Strong experience with and knowledge of participatory qualitative and quantitative research methods and sampling strategies, as well as community engagement.
· Statistical analysis skills and strong proficiency with data analysis packages.
· Proven experience in conducting baseline study surveys and evaluations, with research experience in the areas of Value Chains Analysis and Market Assessment with involvement of private sector (preferably both international and local companies) and smallholder farmers.
· Understanding of pro-poor value chains and inclusive business models, with a view to promoting inclusion of women and youth in interventions.
· Knowledge about socio-economic, cultural and development contexts of the study area particularly to sustainable dairy sector development, and capacity strengthening of local actors.
· Disclosure of conflict of interest.
9. Budget
The budget for the study should include all relevant costs including professional fees (consultant team as well as local staff including enumerators etc.), travel, local transport, accommodation, training etc.) and deployed within no more than 21 days.
10. Expression of interest submission
DCA invites interested teams to submit the following EoI documents by date to be specified:
· Expression of interest outlining how the consultant(s) meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR.
· A summarised description of the scope of work and the intended methodology to be used including sampling methods, data collection tools etc.
· Tentative work plan including proposed activities and time frames.
· Names and contacts of three recent professional referees (previous clients) for whom similar work has been conducted.
· 2 examples of similar pieces of work completed recently (within the last 5 years).
· Names and CVs of individuals or team members proposed, highlighting their experience relevant to this study and their roles in the achievement of the assignment.
· Itemised financial proposal.
How to apply:
Deadlines & submission
§ The deadline for submission of EOI is 10 days from the announced date. We will take references immediately and notify the selected team shortly thereafter. The contract should be signed latest within 10 days after deadline and the work should start immediately thereafter.
§ The proposal shall be sent to gewa@dca.dk with “AgriTech Solutions Project - Baseline Study” as the email subject.
§ Any questions to the study should be directed to the Head of Programs Patrick Kibuku Patrick.kenya@dca.dk
12. Ethical standards and Intellectual Property
The consultants should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the study is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the study is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organisational learning and accountability.
All products resulting from this study will be owned by the Consortia. The consultants will not be allowed, without prior authorisation in writing, to present any of the analytical results as his or her own or to make use of the research results for private publication purposes.