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IHL and IHRL Training

Country: occupied Palestinian territory
Organization: DanChurchAid
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020


TermS of Reference (TOR) No. 08/2020**

IHL and IHRL Training**

East Jerusalem Youth: Agents of Change

East Jerusalem-Palestine

Date of issue:


RFP no.:

DCA reference: 1010306-68

EU reference: ENI/2018/397-552

Contract title:

IHL and IHRL Training

Closing date:

September 11th, 2020 Close of Business

Contracting Authority:


Contact person: Nadine Bannourah

Tel: 0546193310

Fax: 02-5825638

Email: nkhr@dca.dk

DanChurchAid is an independent, faith-based non-missionary humanitarian and development non-governmental organization (NGO). As part of the project activities, DCA invites you to submit a proposal for IHL and IHRL Training.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Service is required for A IHL and UHRL Training under the project entitled “East Jerusalem Youth: Agents of Change”. This intervention funded by European Union.

Please find enclosed the following documents which constitute the Request for Proposal: **

A – Instructions

B – Draft Contract including annexes

Annex 1: Terms of Reference

Annex 2: Proposal Submission Form (to be completed by the Candidate)

Annex 3: General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts – Ver2 2012

Annex 4: Code of Conduct for Contractors

A. Instructions

In submitting a proposal, the Candidate accepts in full and without restriction the special and general conditions including annexes governing this Contract as the sole basis of this procedure, whatever his own conditions of services may be, which the Candidate hereby waives. The Candidates are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract provisions and specifications contained in this Request for Proposal.

A.1. Scope of services

The Services required by the Contracting Authority are described in the Terms of Reference in Annex 1.

The Candidate shall offer the totality of the Services described in the Terms of Reference. Candidates offering only part of the required Services will be rejected.

A.2. Cost of proposal

The Candidate shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his proposal and the Contracting Authority is not responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the process.

A.3. Eligibility and qualification requirements

Candidates are not eligible to participate in this procedure if they are in one of the situations listed in article 33 of the General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts – Ver2 2012.

Candidates shall in the Proposal Submission Form attest that they meet the above eligibility criteria. If required by the Contracting Authority, the Candidate whose proposal is accepted shall further provide evidence satisfactory to the Contracting Authority of its eligibility.

As a rule, the arrival of a proposal in due time is always the candidates responsibility. Late proposals refer to any proposal arriving after the Closing date for submitting proposals, and any proposals arriving late due to a delay, for instance, in the delivery of mail or due to a technical problem related to electronic data transmission.

Candidates are also requested to certify that they comply with the Code of Conduct for Contractors.

A.4. Exclusion from award of contracts

Contracts may not be awarded to Candidates who, during this procedure:

(a) are subject to conflict of interest

(b) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the Contracting Authority as a condition of participation in the Contract procedure or fail to supply this information

A.5. Documents comprising the Request for Proposal

The Candidate shall complete and submit the following documents with his proposal:

  1. Proposal Submission Form (Annex 2) duly completed and signed by the Candidate
  2. CV. highlighting the Candidate’s experience in the specific field of the Services and his/her specific experience in the country/region where the Services are to be performed.

The proposal and all correspondence and documents related to the Request for Proposal exchanged by the Candidate and the Contracting Authority must be written in the language of the procedure, which is English.

A.6. Financial proposal

The Financial Proposal shall be presented as an amount in Euro in the Proposal Submission Form in Annex 2. The remuneration of the Candidate under the Contract shall be determined as follows: **

The Candidate shall indicate in his/her proposal his/her proposed global remuneration for the performance of the Services. The Candidate shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the sufficiency of his/her proposed global remuneration, to cover both his/her fee rate, including overhead, profit, all his/her obligations, sick leave, overtime and holiday pay, taxes, social charges, etc. and all expenses (such as transport, accommodation, food, office, etc.) to be incurred for the performance of the Contract. The proposed global remuneration shall cover all obligations of the successful Candidate under the Contract (without depending on actual time spent on the assignment) and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Services and the remedying of any deficiencies therein.

The Project is VAT Exempt, and the successful Candidate must provide a Zero VAT Invoice (payment request for Individuals) attached with a valid deduction at source certificate, otherwise, the contracting authority will deduct 5% of the total amount or per rate set by law at time of payment.

A.7. Validity

Proposals shall remain valid and open for acceptance for 30 days after the closing date.**

A.8. Submission of proposals and closing date

Proposals must be received by email not later than the closing date and time specified on the front page.

A.9. Evaluation of Proposals

The evaluation method will be the quality and cost based selection. A two-stage procedure shall be utilised in evaluating the Proposals; a technical evaluation and a financial evaluation.

Proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores using the weights of 60% for the Technical Proposal; and 40% for the offered price. Each proposal’s overall score shall therefore be: St X 70% + Sf X 30%.

Technical evaluation

For the evaluation of the technical proposals, the Contracting Authority shall take the following criteria into consideration, with the indicated weights:


The evaluation of the applicants will be based on 70 % technical and 30 % financial scoring.

Any technical offer collecting less than 80 points will be considered not compatible with the technical criteria of the contract and thus be excluded.

Candidate no.:



Maximum points


Score after interview (if amended)


Score after interview (if amended)

Degree in Human Rights Law , Interational Humanitarian law or Media studies **


Experience in delivering trainings


Experience and knowledge in documentation and disseminating stories related to human rights and IHL violation in Palestine and Israel.


Experience and knowledge in engagement with international audience and international advocacy especially in Europe


Good reporting, writing, and communication skills, with specific reference to analytical reports and studies


Subtotal on expertise


Candidate’s strong understanding on Governance, Right to Participation, gender mainstreaming, social and political empowerment, youth participation and women empowerment in Palestine.


Proposed methodology that fully understands the TOR, including plan for methods for delivering the tasks expected


Subtotal on Methodology





The Contracting Authority reserves the right to call to interview the Candidates having submitted proposals determined to be substantially responsive.

Financial evaluation

Each proposal shall be given a financial score. The lowest Financial Proposal (Fm) will be given a financial score (Sf) of 100 points. The formula for determining the financial scores shall be the following:

Sf = 100 x Fm/F, in which

Sf is the financial score

Fm is the lowest price and

F is the price of the proposal under evaluation


The Contracting Authority reserves the right to contact the Candidates having submitted proposals determined to be substantially and technically responsive, in order to propose a negotiation of the terms of such proposals. Negotiations will not entail any substantial deviation to the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal, but shall have the purpose of obtaining from the Candidates better conditions in terms of technical quality, implementation periods, payment conditions, etc.

Negotiations may however have the purpose of reducing the scope of the services or revising other terms of the Contract in order to reduce the proposed remuneration when the proposed remunerations exceed the available budget.

A.12. Award criteria**

The Contracting Authority will award the Contract to the candidate whose proposal has been determined to be substantially responsive to the documents of the Request for Proposal and which has obtained the highest overall ranked scores.

A.13. Signature and entry into force of the Contract

Prior to the expiration of the period of the validity of the proposal, the Contracting Authority will inform the successful Candidate in writing that its proposal has been accepted and inform the unsuccessful Candidates in writing about the result of the evaluation process.

Within 5 days of receipt of the Contract, not yet signed by the Contracting Authority, the successful Candidate must sign and date the Contract and return it to the Contracting Authority. On signing the Contract, the successful Candidate will become the Contractor and the Contract will enter into force once signed by the Contracting Authority.

If the successful Candidate fails to sign and return the Contract within the days stipulated, the Contracting Authority may consider the acceptance of the proposal to be cancelled without prejudice to the Contracting Authority's right to claim compensation or pursue any other remedy in respect of such failure, and the successful Candidate will have no claim whatsoever on the Contracting Authority.

A.14. Cancellation for convenience

The Contracting Authority may for its own convenience and without charge or liability cancel the procedure at any stage.

Special conditions

B.1. Scope of services

The subject of the Contract is IHL and IHRL Training. The “Services” are described in the Terms of Reference.

B.2. Commencement Date

The Contract shall commence on September 21st, 2020

B.3. Period of implementation

The period of implementation of the services is between 2020-2022

B.4. Terms and Termination

The Contract is valid for a period of 26 months and commences on the commencement date and expires at midnight on the expiry date, unless earlier termination in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of this contract.

The Contracting Authority shall be entitled to renegotiate the contract for a further period of 26 months on similar terms and conditions, by giving the Contractor written notice of its intention to renegotiate the contract not less than 30 days prior to the expiry date, provided however that in the event of a breach of the Agreement by one of the Parties, the other party may for valid cause terminate the Contract as per General Terms and Conditions article 26 and 27.

B.5. Delivery of Services

The Contractor agrees to deliver Services to the Contracting Authority pursuant to the Contract, which shall conform with the Terms of References, Annex 1, and the price specified in this Contract.

In the event of the Contracting Authority placing a contract, which the Contractor considers it cannot substantially meet because of unavailability of staff or inability to meet the Terms of References, before proceeding to make a partial delivery of the services, the Contractor shall seek further written instructions from the Contracting Authority.

The Contractor shall cover all costs related to the remedy of an unacceptable Service.

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all the necessary personnel, equipment, materials and supplies and for making all necessary arrangement for the performance of its obligations under this Contract.

B.6. Remuneration

In consideration for his/her services, the Contractor shall receive a global remuneration of . This global remuneration covers the Contractor’s fee rate, including overhead, profit, all his/her obligations, leave, sick leave, overtime and holiday pay, taxes, social charges, etc. and all expenses (such as transport, accommodation, food, office expenses, etc) to be incurred for the performance of the Contract. The global remuneration covers all obligations of the Contractor under the Contract (without depending on actual time spent on the assignment) and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and completion of the services and the remedying of any deficiencies therein.

B.7. Reporting

The Contractor shall submit reports as specified in the Terms of Reference, Annex 1. The Contractor shall keep the Contracting Authority updated on contract progress on a regular basis.

B.8. Payment

Payments shall be made in Euro by bank transfer to the following account:

Account Number:

Name of Bank:

Address of Bank:

Account name:

Swift Code:**

Both parties will agree on the payment schedule later on.

B.9. Tax and social contributions

The Contracting Authority shall have no obligation or responsibility in connection with taxes or levies payable by the Contractor in its country of establishment or in the beneficiary country in connection with its performance of this Contract.

This contract is VAT Exempt.

B.10. Order of precedence of contract documents

The Contract is made up of the following documents, in order of precedence:

  1. This Contract
  2. Terms of Reference (Annex 1)
  3. CV. of Contractor and/or key expert(s)
  4. Proposal Submission Form (Annex 2)
  5. General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts - Ver2 2012 (Annex 3)
  6. Code of Conduct for Contractors Annex 4

The various documents making up the Contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory; in cases of ambiguity or divergence, they should be read in the order in which they appear above.

B.11. Language

The language of this Contract, and of all written communications between the Contractor and the Contracting Authority shall be English.

B.12. Entry into force and duration

The Contract shall enter into force and effect after signature by both parties of this Contract. The Contract shall remain into force and effect until the end of the liability period as defined in the General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts - Ver2 2012.

B.13. Notices

Any written communication relating to this contract between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor must state the Contract title and Contract number, and must be sent by post, fax, email or by hand to the addresses identified in this Contract.

Annex 1: Terms of reference**


DanChurchAid is an independent, faith-based non-missionary humanitarian and development non-governmental organization (NGO) with headquarter based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

DanChurchAid is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church, but is active wherever we find the need is highest, regardless of religion, gender, political beliefs, race, and national or ethnic origins, handicaps or sexual orientation. Our work is based on a Christian view of humanity with respect for every individual’s rights and equal worth. DanChurchAid carries out its work within the objective: "To help and be advocates of oppressed, neglected and marginalized groups in poor countries and to strengthen their possibilities of a life in dignity”. DanChurchAid’s aim is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life in dignity. For more information about DCA, please refer to our homepage http://www.danchurchaid.org

In 2016, DanChurchAid and Norwegian Church Aid started a joint program in Palestine. The project in focus is one of the projects under this program.

Name of project: East Jerusalem Youth: Agents of Change

Project duration: 3.5 years\42 months starting June 1, 2019

Implementing agency and partner(s): The Palestinian Vision (Palvision), and AFKAR

Project funding sources: EU AND DCA **

Description of project: .

Component # 1 (C1) is a youth-led intervention that will contribute towards preserving the Palestinian character of East Jerusalem (EJ). The project will empower young Palestinian women and men to promote increased understanding of EJ’s social, economic, cultural life , and heritage to generate action that addresses International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL) violations. The project aims to do this through creating innovative and inclusive online platforms that Jerusalem youth will use to report on breaches of IHRL and IHL.

*The overall objective of this project (C1):* To contribute to preserving the Palestinian character of East Jerusalem (EJ) through empowering young Palestinian women and men to promote increased understanding about EJ’s social, economic cultural life and heritage, and generate action to counter IHL and IHRL violations.

*The specific objectives of this project: (C1) SO 1:* The social and political spaces for youth in EJ improved. SO 2: Palestinians, and targeted Palestinian and international duty-bearers/opinion-formers (DBs) and international public are informed about political, economic, social, and cultural rights in EJ and engage in promoting specific action to counter IHL and IHRL violations in EJ and the rest of the oPt.

Target beneficiaries (C1): 170 young men and women from EJ, 40 Palestinian/international personalities and influential figures, 350[2] Palestinian community members from EJ, 1300 international university students and other grassroots groups, 99 international duty Bearers/opinion-formers (MPs/MEPs, officials, advisors, other opinion-makers, 24 Palestinian duty bearers, and 150 international organizations and diplomatic missions in all Jerusalem, Ramallah City and Bethlehem City

Target area (C1): Occupied Palestinian Territory- East Jerusalem. (Old City, At Tur, Ezaryah/east of EJ and Biddou, Qbeiba, Beit Anan, Beit doqqu, Beit Sourik/northwest of EJ.***[3]*** Radio station reaches Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Bethlehem cities. Advocacy work will be done internationally focusing on Europe.***[4]***

Expected result (C1): R1.1. Innovative and inclusive online media platforms that Jerusalemite youth are using to report on breaches of IHRL and IHL is created and promoted R 1.2. Capacity of the ML interns in operating the ML is built and technical media support is established R 2.2. Palestinians, Palestinian and International duty-bearers, opinion-makers and the public engage virtually, in media and political debates and support/initiate specific action to raise awareness about current East Jerusalem political, social, cultural and economic issues and counter violations of IHL and IHRL in the oPt, particularly in EJ. R 2.3. Dialogue on breaches of IHL and IHRL in oPt particularly EJ created


Establishing the Media Lab and the Radio should be accompanied with some security precautions to protect, staff, interns and partners. That is due to the sensitive political situation and potential risks that could encounter the Action. The purpose of this consultancy is to increase the knowledge of the Media Lab staff and the Radio on IHRL and IHL documentation and help them in framing their productions lab to achieve the desired outcome locally and internationally.

Today, due to the globalization of services, information, and labour — the media holds a powerful and much-depended upon role in communication. In the arena of communication it is journalists who serve as the main actors in reporting the world’s events and conveying valuable information. Journalists hold the power to determine what news is and to construct stories and select words in ways that affect people. Journalists carry the ability to inform the public, to connect remote worlds, and to shape an individual’s knowledge and understanding of the world live in. Journalist have the opportunity to increase public awareness, to educate the public on their rights, and, above all, to help in monitoring human rights. Through analysis and the bringing together of multiple perspectives, journalists create the potential for a more knowledgeable, well-rounded and aware public. By knowing and referencing IHL and IHRL, journalists not only enhance their reporting and foster better safety for themselves on the ground, but they also promote a stronger civil society , a more active population ,and a better understanding of armed conflict situations, humanitarian crises, and the work done by the ICRC and other humanitarian organizations.


The training will be titled ”IHRL&IHL documentation via internet”**

The focus for the journalistic capacity training would be:

1- Brief introduction of IHL and IHRL in the context of Palestine and Israel.

2- Introduction to investigative journalism and documentation of IHL and IHRL violations in the oPt.**

3- Practical understanding of how to use a human rights framework as the starting point for journalism and communication including a list of Human Rights issues to be considered in Journalism. **

4- Practical understanding of human interest story-telling to an international audience**

5- Practical understanding of how to mitigate risks in journalistic work and online communication. How does IHL value and protect journalists. Provide a risk matrix for the media lab and the radio station. **

6- Introduction to different digital formats and content ,relevant audiences and most effective use, quality check and feedback on the cases and stories of the Media Lab and the Radio. **

Human Rights law:

The training aims to bring together a diverse array of subjects relevant to human rights and their integration into journalism, diplomacy, international and multilateral relations. The training includes both a theoretical and practical component.

The theoretical part should include the mechanisms of how to use the framework for covering stories especially to an international audience. The tricks to telling better stories to an international audience and the best practices to convey them.

The practical component of the training includes a focus on teaching participants how to best use Human Rights law in journalism and reporting, and specifcally in the context of Palestine, and how to cover stories with the HR angle.

International Humantarian Law (IHL): .

Combining theory and practice, the training should follow a methodology involving exercises, simulations and discussions based on the actual challenges that journalists covering humanitarian workers and policy-makers face today. The trainign should teach journalists how to mitigate the risk and protect themslves through IHL. And legal rights for journalists and HRDs
Human Rights Defenders:
An expert in Israeli law (Human Rights Defenders) will be invited to take part of the in house training to support with their experience specifically in Israeli incitement law. DCA will arrange to provide the expert.

The training will target 18 participants (7 Media lab staff, 2 radio staff, 4 Hirak Think Tank, and 4 Action staff).

The consultant will use the media lab strategy and editorial policy and the radio station editorial policy as starting points for the trainings.

In case of a need for translation DCA will secure.


It is expected that the consultant team will further develop the methodology and the material of the training

The journalistic capacity training will be divided to several phases over a period of 26 months. The training will be very practical, hands-on and case-oriented as well as taking the specific local context and cases-focus in to account.

We are looking for a methodoloy that includes:

1) Inhouse training for the media lab and radio staff (potential for virtual training depending on COVID situation).

2) Editorial coaching over (Phone/Skype/In person) on the productions of the media lab and radio, follow-up on the use of journalistic tools and training. During the first 6 months of the consultant.

3) The last stage is providing quarterly assesments of the work published by the media lab in the last 20 months.



The deliverables outlined under the Deliverables section shall be completed within (26 months from commencement of the contract) over a period between the commencement date and November 2022 . Final completion date of the consultancy is November 2020.


1) Develop a work plan outlining programme for the training assignment

2) Develop training guidelines Manual or training hands out.

3) Deliver Five-day training in Bethlehem (Flexible with dates as long as the training is over before October 15th, 2020). We will agree with the awarded consultant on the distribution of the 5 days on potentially two different weeks. (The training may be carried online based on the COVID 19 situation in Palestine). The training should be followed by a report summarizing the progress of the training with recommendations, directions, gaps, and challenges.

4) Timely editorial coaching of the stories of the Media Lab and the Radio in the first 6 months of the contract after the inhouse training.

5) Timely Assessment of Media Lab published materials along the last 20 months of the contract. The assessment has to be provided in a quarterly written report

6) All reports and communications will be in English.

Composition/Expected Profile of the Consultancy Team

The consultant is expected to fulfill the following requirements:

Required qualifications

  • Preferably a degree in Human rights law and IHL or media studies
  • Proven track record in undertaking similar trainings.
  • Experience and knowledge in documentation and disseminating stories related human rights and IHL violation in Palestine.
  • Experience and knowledge in engagement with international audience
  • Experience and knowledge in international advocacy especially in Europe.
  • Proven experience with INGOs, NGO and CBO in Palestine

Preferred qualifications

  • Proven training skills, primarily for youth
  • Proven team leader and report writing skills
  • Knowledge of CHS standards and experience in the participatory approach.

Structure of the Proposal and Submission Guidelines

The proposal of the evaluation should be in two folds: the technical proposal that includes the CV of the consultant\s, previous experience in the area of the consultancy, a detailed methodology that includes all of the requirements mentioned in this ToR, and an action plan for the implementation, sample of previous work done, and three references. The second part includes the financial offer.

Annex 2: proposal submission form

To be completed by candidates:



Proposal submitted by:



Telephone number:

Fax number:

E-mail address:

Date of proposal:

Financial proposal

My proposal for remuneration of my services is as follows:

Please submit the proposal in EURO.**


Amount **

Global Remuneration (fees only)


Other Expenses


VAT or other professional tax on services



This contract is VAT exempt and the contractor is not allowed to charge the contracting authority for any VAT cost.


Name and country of customer

Type of contract


Contact name

Phone/fax and email

Include details of the experience and past performance on contracts of a similar nature within the past five years and information on other contracts in hand and/or future commitments including details of the actual and effective participation in each of such contracts, description of the Candidate’s assignments and periods of engagement. Additional documents can be attached to the above form.

The proposal is valid for a period of 30 days after the closing date in accordance with the article A.7. Validity. **

After having read your Request for Proposal no. 08.2020 for IHL and IHRL Training dated August 24th 2020, and after having examined the Request for Proposal, I/we hereby offer to execute and complete the services in conformity with all conditions in the Request for Proposal for the sum indicated in our financial proposal.

Further, I/we hereby:

  • Accept, without restrictions, all the provisions in the Request for Proposal including the General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts - Ver2 2012 and the draft Service Contract including all annexes.

  • Provided that a contract is issued by the Contracting Authority I/we hereby commit to perform all services described in the Terms of Reference, Annex 1.

  • Certify and attest compliance with eligibility criteria of article 33 of the General Terms and Conditions for Service - Ver2 2012.

  • Certify and attest compliance with the Code of Conduct for Contractors in Annex 4.

The above declarations will become an integrated part of the Contract and misrepresentation will be regarded as grounds for termination.

Signature and stamp:

Signed by:

The Candidate

Name of the company


Telephone no.


Name of contact person


In these general terms and conditions:

a) “contract” is the agreement entered into by the Contracting Authority and the Contractor for the performance of the services described in the terms of reference, to which these general terms and conditions are made applicable; the contract is constituted of the documents listed in the Service Contract.

b) The Contracting Authority’s “partners” are the organisations to which the Contracting Authority is associated or linked;

c) “personnel” is any person assigned by the Contractor to the performance of the services or any part hereof, whether through employment, sub-contracting or any other agreement; and “key experts” are those members of the personnel whose involvement is considered instrumental in the achievement of the contract objectives;

d) “beneficiary country” is the country where the services are to be performed, or where the project to which the services relate is located.


Nothing contained in the contract shall be construed as establishing a relation of master and servant or of agent and principal as between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor. Except if otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor shall under no circumstances act as the representative of the Contracting Authority or give the impression that the Contractor has been given such authority. The Contractor has complete charge of the personnel and shall be fully responsible for the services performed by them.


The scope of the services including the methods and means to be used by the Contractor, the results to be achieved by him and the verifiable indicators are specified in the Terms of Reference. The Contractor shall be responsible for everything which is required for the performance of the services in accordance with what is specified in the contract, or which must otherwise be regarded as forming part of the services.


The Contractor shall respect and abide by all laws and regulations in force in the beneficiary country and shall ensure that its personnel, their dependants, and its local employees also respect and abide by all such laws and regulations. The Contractor shall indemnify the Contracting Authority against any claims and proceedings arising from any infringement by the Contractor, its personnel and their dependants of such laws and regulations.

The Contractor, its personnel and their dependents shall respect human rights and undertake not to offend the political, cultural and religious practices prevailing in the beneficiary country.


The Contractor shall at all times act loyally and impartially and as a faithful adviser to the Contracting Authority and shall perform the services with due care, efficiency and diligence, in accordance with the best professional practice.


The Contractor shall treat all documents and information received in connection with the contract as private and confidential, and shall not, save in so far as may be necessary for the purposes of the performance thereof, publish or disclose any particulars of the contract without the prior consent in writing of the Contracting Authority. It shall, in particular, refrain from making any public statements concerning the project or the services without the prior approval of the Contracting Authority,


The Contractor shall refrain from engaging in any activity which conflicts with his obligations towards the Contracting Authority under the contract.

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent or end any situation that could compromise the impartial and objective performance of the Contract. Such conflict of interests could arise in particular as a result of economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional ties, or any other relevant connection or shared interest. Any conflict of interests which could arise during performance of the Contract must be notified in writing to the Contracting Authority without delay. The Contractor shall replace, immediately and without compensation from the Contracting Authority, any member of its personnel exposed to such a situation.


The Contractor and the personnel shall refrain from performing, condoning or tolerating any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices, whether such practices are in relation with the performance of the contract or not. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do any act in relation to the contract or any other contract with the Contracting Authority, or for showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the Contracting Authority.

The payments to the Contractor under the contract shall constitute the only income or benefit it may derive in connection with the contract and neither it nor its personnel shall accept any commission, discount, allowance, indirect payment or other consideration in connection with, or in relation to, or in discharge of, its obligations under the contract.

The execution of the contract shall not give rise to unusual commercial expenses. Unusual commercial expenses are commissions not mentioned in the contract or not stemming from a properly concluded contract referring to the contract, commissions not paid in return for any actual and legitimate service, commissions remitted to a tax haven, commissions paid to a recipient who is not clearly identified or commission paid to a company which has every appearance of being a front company.

The Contractor further warrants that no official of the Contracting Authority and/or their partner has received or will be offered by the Contractor any direct or indirect benefit arising from this Contract.


If the Contractor is a joint venture or a consortium of two or more legal persons, all such persons shall be jointly and severally bound to fulfil the terms of the contract. The person designated by the joint venture or consortium to act on its behalf for the purposes of this contract shall have the authority to bind the joint venture or consortium.

For the purposes of performance of the contract, the joint venture or consortium shall act as, and be considered, a single person and, in particular, shall have bank account opened in its name, shall submit to the Contracting Authority single guarantees if required, and shall submit single invoices and single reports.

The composition of the joint venture or a consortium shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Contracting Authority.


The Contractor shall prepare all specifications and designs using accepted and generally recognised systems acceptable to the Contracting Authority and taking into account the latest design criteria.


The Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Authority or any person authorised by the Contracting Authority with any information relating to the services and the project as the Contracting Authority may at any time request.


The frequency, deadlines, format and contents of the reports to be drawn up by the Contractor in relation to the performance of the contract shall be described in the Terms of Reference.


13.1. The Contractor shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced personnel as are required to carry out the services, and the Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the personnel.

The names, outputs, duties and CVs of key experts and the titles, job descriptions, minimum qualifications, estimated periods of engagement in the carrying out of the services of each of the personnel and key experts are described in the Organisation and Methodology part of the contract. The Contractor must inform the Contracting Authority of all non-expert personnel it intends to use for the implementation of the contract. The Contracting Authority shall have the right to oppose the Contractor’s choice of personnel.

13.2. No changes shall be made in the personnel without the prior consent of the Contracting Authority. The Contractor shall provide a replacement with at least equivalent qualifications and experience and acceptable to the Contracting Authority if:

a) on account of death, sickness or accident, a member of the Personnel is unable to continue providing his services,

b) any member of the personnel is found by the Contracting Authority to be incompetent in discharging or unsuitable for the performance of his duties under the Contract,

c) for any reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, it becomes necessary to replace any member of the Personnel.

The request for replacement must be made in writing and state the reasons therefore. The Contractor shall proceed swiftly with the request and propose a replacement with at least equivalent qualifications and experience. The remuneration to be paid to the replacement cannot exceed that received by the replaced member of the personnel.

Failure by the Contractor to propose a replacement for a key expert satisfactory to the Contracting Authority, shall give the right to the Contracting Authority to terminate the contract.

Additional costs arising out of a replacement shall be borne by the Contractor.

13.3. Working hours

The days and hours of work of the Contractor or/and its personnel in the beneficiary country shall be fixed on the basis of the laws, regulations and customs of the beneficiary country and the requirements of the services.

13.4. Leave entitlement

Any taking of holiday leave by the personnel during the period of implementation of the contract must be at a time approved by the Contracting Authority.

Overtime, sick leave pay and holidays leave pay are deemed to be covered by the Contractor’s remuneration.


Except from the subcontractors listed in the contract, the Consultant shall not subcontract to nor engage another independent contractor to perform any part of the services without the prior written consent of the Contracting Authority. Subcontractors must satisfy the eligibility criteria applicable for the award of the contract.

The Contracting Authority shall have no contractual relations with the subcontractors. The provisions of the contract, including these general terms and conditions, and in particular article 13.2 shall, where practicable, apply to the subcontractors and their personnel.


At its own expense, the Contractor shall indemnify, protect and defend, the Contracting Authority, its agents and employees, from and against all actions, claims, losses or damages arising from any act or omission by the Contractor in the performance of the services, including any violation of any legal provisions, or rights of third parties, in respect of patents, trademarks and other forms of intellectual property such as copyrights.

Approval by the Contracting Authority of the Contractor’s reports and issue of Completion Certificate shall not relieve the Contractor of its liability and shall not prevent the Contracting Authority from claiming damages.

The Contractor shall remain liable for any breach of its obligations under the contract for such period after the services have been performed as may be determined by the law governing the contract (the “liability period”). This time limit does not however apply when the damage arises from gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Contractor.

During the liability period, or as soon as practicable after its expiration, the Contractor shall, at its expense, upon instruction of the Contracting Authority, remedy any deficiencies in the performance of the services. In case of default on the part of the Contractor to carry out such instructions, the Contracting Authority shall be entitled to hire another contractor to carry out the same, at the Contractor’s expense.


Within 20 days of signing the contract, the Contractor shall take out and maintain, at its own cost, a full indemnity insurance policy covering its professional liability under the contract and article 15 above, from the commencement date and until the end of the liability period.

Within 20 days of signing the contract, the Contractor shall take out and maintain a full indemnity insurance policy for a sum up to the higher of the maximum amount foreseen by the legislation of the country of the Contracting Authority and the amount foreseen by the legislation of the country in which the Contractor has its headquarters and covering, during the period of implementation of the contract, the following risks:

a) loss of or damage to property purchased with funds provided under the contract, or produced by the Contractor;

b) loss or damage to equipment, material and office facilities made available to the Contractor by the Contracting Authority;

c) civil liability for accidents caused to third parties arising out of acts performed by the Contractor, its personnel and their dependents;

d) employer’s liability and workers’ compensation in respect of the personnel as well as sickness, accident or death affecting the personnel and their dependents, including the cost of repatriation on health grounds;

e) such other insurance as required by the laws in force in the beneficiary country.

Prior to the commencement date, the Contractor shall provide evidence to the Contracting Authority that the above insurances have been effected. During execution of the contract, the Contractor shall, when required, provide the Contracting Authority with copies of the insurance policies and the receipts for payment of premiums.


All reports and data such as maps, diagrams, drawings, specifications, plans, statistics, calculations, databases, software and supporting records or materials acquired, compiled or prepared by the Contractor in the performance of the contract shall, with the copyright thereto, be the absolute property of the Contracting Authority. The Contractor shall, upon completion of the contract, deliver all such documents and data to the Contracting Authority. The Contractor may not retain copies of such documents and data and shall not use them for purposes unrelated to the contract without the prior written consent of the Contracting Authority.

The Contractor shall not publish articles relating to the services or refer to them when carrying out any services for others, or divulge information obtained from the Contracting Authority, without the prior written consent of the Contracting Authority.


The Contractor shall keep separate, accurate and systematic records and accounts in respect of the services in such form and detail as is customary in the profession and sufficient to establish accurately that the number of working days and the actual reimbursable expenditure identified in the Contractor's invoice(s) have been duly incurred for the performance of the services.

For a fee-based contract, timesheets recording the days worked by the Contractor's personnel must be maintained by the Contractor. The timesheets must be approved by the Contracting Authority or any person authorised by the Contracting Authority or the Contracting Authority itself on a monthly basis. The amounts invoiced by the Contractor must correspond to these timesheets. In the case of long-term experts, these timesheets must record the number of days worked. In the case of short-term experts, these timesheets must record the number of hours worked. Time spent travelling exclusively and necessarily for the purpose of the Contract may be included in the numbers of days or hours, as appropriate, recorded in these timesheets.

Such records must be kept for a 7-year period after the final payment made under the contract. These documents comprise any documentation concerning income and expenditure and any inventory, necessary for the checking of supporting documents, including timesheets, plane and transport tickets, pay slips for the remuneration paid to the experts and invoices or receipts for reimbursable expenditure. Failure to maintain such records constitutes a breach of contract and will result in the termination of the contract.


19.1. The Contracting Authority shall provide the Contractor as soon as possible with any information and/or documentation at its disposal which may be relevant to the performance of the contract.

On all matters properly referred to it in writing by the Contractor, the Contracting Authority shall give its decisions so as not to delay the services, and within a reasonable time.

19.2. The contract shall specify whether the Contracting Authority is to provide the Contractor with equipment, facilities, counterpart personnel or specific assistance, and shall detail under which conditions. If the provision of such agreed counterpart personnel, equipment, facilities and assistance is delayed or not forthcoming, the Contractor shall endeavour to perform the Services as far as is possible. The parties shall agree on how the affected parts of the services shall be carried out, and the additional payments, if any is due, to be made by the Contracting Authority to the Contractor as a result of additional expenditures.


Contracts are either “global price” or “fee-based”.

20.1. Fee-based contract

In consideration of the services performed by the Contractor under the contract, the Contracting Authority shall make to the Contractor such payments of fees and such reimbursement of costs as provided in the contract.

Fees shall be determined on the basis of time actually spent by the key experts in the performance of services at the fee rates specified in the contract. Fee rates are deemed to remunerate all the activities of the Contractor in the performance of the services and to cover all expenses and costs incurred by the Contractor which are not included in the agreed reimbursable costs.

The Contracting Authority shall reimburse to the Contractor the reimbursable costs and expenses specified in the contract, actually and reasonably incurred in the performance of the services.

Costs and expenses which are not mentioned in the contract shall be deemed covered by the overhead of profit included in the fees.

The currency of payments of fees and reimbursable costs and applicable exchange rates are set out in the contract.

20.2. Global price contract

The global price covers both the Contractor’s and its personnel’s fees and all expenses to be incurred for the performance of the contract. The global price is in consideration for all obligations of the Contractor under the contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and completion of the services and the remedying of any deficiencies therein.

20.3. Revision

Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the global price of a global price contract and the fee rates of a fee-based contract shall not be revised.

20.4. Guarantees

In the case an advance payment for fees and for reimbursable costs (fee-based contract) or a pre-financing payment (global price contract) is agreed in the contract, its payment by the Contracting Authority shall be subject to the prior presentation by the Contractor to the Contracting Authority of an approved performance security, advance payment or pre-financing guarantee, if so agreed and under the conditions specified in the Service Contract.

20.5. Conditions of Payment

Payments will be made by the Contracting Authority with the frequency, instalments, time limits, amounts and currencies, and under the conditions, in particular on the contents of invoices, specified in the special conditions of the contract. Payment of the final balance shall be subject to performance by the Contractor of all its obligations under the contract and the issue by the Contracting Authority of the completion certificate described in article 25.

20.6. Late payment

If the time periods laid down for payments by the Contracting Authority have been exceeded by more than two months and where the Contracting Authority cannot invoke a case of suspension or withholding of payments provided for in these terms and conditions, the Contractor may claim interest calculated on any amount due, prorate on the number of days of delay at the official bank rate of the beneficiary country (if amounts due are in the currency of that country), or at the rate applied by the European central bank (where amounts due are in Euro), plus 2% per year.


If the Contractor does not perform the services within the period of implementation specified in the contract, the Contracting Authority shall, without formal notice and without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, be entitled to liquidated damages for every day, or part thereof, which shall elapse between the end of the period of implementation specified in the contract and the actual end of the period of implementation.

The daily rate for liquidated damages is calculated by dividing the contract value by the number of days of the period of implementation.

If these liquidated damages exceed more than 15% of the contract value, the Contracting Authority may, after giving notice to the Contractor:

a) terminate the contract; and

b) complete the services at the Contractor's own expense


Either party commits a breach of contract where it fails to discharge any of its obligations under the contract.

Where a breach of contract occurs, the party injured by the breach shall be entitled to the following remedies:

a) liquidated damages; and/or

b) termination of the contract.

In any case where the Contracting Authority is entitled to damages, it may deduct such damages from any sums due to the Contractor or call on the appropriate guarantee.

The Contracting Authority shall be entitled to compensation for any damage which comes to light after the contract is completed in accordance with the law governing the contract.


The Contractor shall, on the request of the Contracting Authority, suspend the performance of the services or any part thereof for such time and in such manner as the Contracting Authority may consider necessary.

In such event of suspension, the Contractor shall take immediate action to reduce the costs incident to the suspension to a minimum. During the period of suspension, and except where the suspension is due to any default of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for additional costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by it as a result of the suspension.


Substantial modifications to the contract, including modifications to the total contract amount, must be made by means of an addendum.

  1. Completion Certificate

Upon completion of the services, and once (a) the Contracting Authority has approved the Contractor’s completion report, (b) the Contracting Authority has approved the Contractor’s final invoice and final audited statement, the Contracting Authority shall deliver a completion certificate to the Contractor.


26.1 The Contracting Authority may terminate the contract after giving a 7 days' notice to the Contractor in any of the following cases:

a) the Contractor is in breach of its obligations under the contract and/or fails to carry out the services substantially in accordance with the contract;

b) the Contractor fails to comply within a reasonable time with the notice given by the Contracting Authority requiring it to make good the neglect or failure to perform its obligations under the contract which seriously affects the proper and timely performance of the services;

c) the Contractor refuses or neglects to carry out instructions given by the Contracting Authority;

d) the Contractor’s declarations in respect if its eligibility (article 33) and/or in respect of article 31 and article 32, appear to have been untrue, or cease to be true;

e) the Contractor takes some action without requesting or obtaining the prior consent of the Contracting Authority in any case where such consent is required under the contract;

f) any of the key experts is no longer available, and the Contractor fails to propose a replacement satisfactory to the Contracting Authority;

g) any organisational modification occurs involving a change in the legal personality, nature or control of the Contractor or the joint venture or consortium, unless such modification is recorded in an addendum to the contract;

h) the Contractor fails to provide the required guarantees or insurance, or the person providing the underlying guarantee or insurance is not able to abide by its commitments.

26.2 Termination by Contracting Authority for convenience

The Contracting Authority may terminate the contract in whole or in part for its convenience, upon not less than 14 days’ notice. The Contracting Authority shall not use this right of termination in order to arrange for the services to be executed by another contractor, or to avoid a termination of the contract by the Contractor.


The Contractor may terminate the contract after giving a 7 days’ notice to the Contracting Authority in any of the following cases:

a) the Contractor has not received payment of that part of any invoice which is not contested by the Contracting Authority, within 90 days of the due payment date,

b) the period of suspension of the performance of the contract under article 23 has exceeded six months;

c) the Contracting Authority is in material breach of its obligations under the Contract and has not taken any actions to remedy the same within 30 days following the receipt by the Contracting Authority of the Contractor’s notice specifying such breach.

If the Contractor is a natural person, the contract shall be automatically terminated if that person dies.


28.1. Upon termination of the contract by notice of either party to the other, the Contractor shall take immediate steps to bring the services to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and in such a way as to keep costs to a minimum.

28.2. If the Contracting Authority terminates the contract in accordance with article 26.1 it may, thereafter, complete the services itself, or conclude any other contract with a third party, at the Contractor’s expense.

The Contracting Authority shall, as soon as is possible after termination, certify the value of the services and all sums due to the Contractor as at the date of termination. It shall, subject to article 28.1 and 28.3, make the following payments to the Contractor:

(a) remuneration pursuant to the contract for services satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of termination;

(b) reimbursable costs (if fee-based contract) for costs actually incurred prior to the effective date of termination;

(c) except in the case of termination pursuant to article 26.1 reimbursement of any reasonable cost incident to the prompt and orderly termination of the contract;

(d) in case of termination under article 26.2 and 27, reimbursement for the actual and reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor as a direct result of such termination and which could not be avoided or reduced by appropriate mitigation measures.

The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim, in addition to the above sums, compensation for any loss or injury suffered.

28.3. In case of termination of the contract for any reason whatsoever, any pre-financing guarantee which might have been granted to the Contracting Authority under article 20.4, may be invoked forthwith by the Contracting Authority in order to repay any balance still owed to the Contracting Authority by the Contractor, and the guarantor shall not delay payment or raise objection for any reason whatever.

28.4. If the Contracting Authority terminates the contract under article 26.1, it shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor any loss it has suffered up to that part of the contract value which corresponds to that part of the services which has not, by reason of the Contractor’s default, been satisfactorily completed.


Neither party shall be considered to be in breach of its obligations under the contract if the performance of such obligations is prevented by any circumstances of force majeure which arise after the date of signature of the contract by both parties.

The term "force majeure", as used herein shall mean acts of God, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, wars, whether declared or not, blockades, insurrection, riots, epidemics, landslides, earthquakes, storms, lightning, floods, washouts, civil disturbances, explosions, and any other similar unforeseeable events, beyond the control of either party and which by the exercise of due diligence neither party is able to overcome.

A party affected by an event of force majeure shall take all reasonable measures to remove such party's inability to fulfil its obligations hereunder with a minimum of delay.

If either party considers that any circumstances of force majeure have occurred which may affect performance of its obligations it shall notify the other party immediately giving details of the nature, the probable duration and likely effect of the circumstances. Unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Authority in writing, the Contractor shall continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as is reasonably practicable, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance of its obligations which are not prevented by the force majeure event. The Contractor shall not put into effect such alternative means unless directed so to do by the Contracting Authority.


The contract is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Contracting Authority’s country.

Any dispute or breach of contract arising under this contract shall be solved amicably if at all possible. If not possible and unless provided in the Service Contract, it shall be settled finally by court decision, which shall be held under the law of the Contracting Authority’s country. Any ruling by the court will be final and directly executable in the country of the Contractor.


The Contractor (and each member of a joint venture or a consortium) warrants that it and its affiliates comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - UNGA Doc A/RES/44/25 (12 December 1989) with Annex – and that it or its affiliates has not made or will not make use of forced or compulsory labor as described in the Forced labor Convention and in the Abolition of Forced Labor Convention 105 of the International Labor Organization. Furthermore the Contractor warrants that it, and its affiliates, respect and uphold basic social rights and working conditions for its employees. Any breach of this representation and warranty, in the past or during the performance of the contract, shall entitle the Contracting Authority to terminate this contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, at no cost or liability for the Contracting Authority.


The Contractor and each member of the joint venture or a consortium) warrants that it and its affiliates is NOT engaged in any development, sale or manufacture of anti-personnel mines and/or cluster bombs or components utilized in the manufacture of anti-personnel mines and/or cluster bombs. Any breach of this representation and warranty shall entitle the Contracting Authority to terminate this contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, at no cost or liability for the Contracting Authority.


By signing the purchase order, the Contractor (or, if a joint venture or a consortium, any member thereof) certifies that they are NOT in one of the situations listed below:

(a) They are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administrated by courts, have entered into an agreement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning house matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

(b) They have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgement that has the force of res judicata;

(c) They have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means that the Contracting Authority can justify;

(d) They have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the Contracting Authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

(e) They have been the subject of a judgement that has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Contracting Authority or the European Community’s financial interests;

(f) Following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the European Community budget or following another procurement procedure carried out by the Contracting Authority or one of their partners, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations.


The Seller shall permit the Contracting Authority or its representative to inspect, at any time, records including financial and accounting documents and to make copies thereof and shall permit the Contracting Authority or any person authorized by it, including USAID, the European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office and the Court of Auditors in case the Contract is financed by USAID or the European Community budget, at any time, to have access to its financial accounting documents and to audit such records and accounts both during and after the implementation of the Contract. In particular, the Contracting Authority may carry out whatever documentary or on-the-spot checks it deems necessary to find evidence in case of suspected unusual commercial expenses.


Under no circumstances or for no reason whatsoever will the Back donor entertain any request for indemnity or payment directly submitted by the (Contracting Authority’s) contractors.


By this Code of Conduct, the Contracting Authority applies ethics to procurement. We expect our contractors to act socially and environmentally responsible and actively work for the implementation of the standards and principles in this Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is applicable for all our contractors who supply goods, services and works to our operations and projects.

This Code of Conduct and its related principles and standards are based on recommendations from the Danish Initiative for Ethical Trade (DIEH)[4], the UN Global Compact principles[5] and ECHO’s Humanitarian Aid Guidelines for Procurement 2011[6].

General Conditions

The Code of Conduct defines the ethical requirements and standards for our contractors, whom we expect to sign and respect the Code of Conduct, and work actively towards the implementation hereof. By signing the Code of Conduct contractors agree to place ethics central to their business activities.

The provision of the ethical standards constitutes minimum rather than maximum standards. International and national laws shall be complied with, and where the provisions of law and the Contracting Authority’s standards address the same subject, the highest standard shall apply.

It is the responsibility of the contractor to assure that their contractors and subcontractors comply with the ethical requirements and standards set forth in this Code of Conduct.

The Contracting Authority acknowledge that implementing ethical standards and ensuring ethical behaviour in our supply chain is a continuous process and a long term commitment for which we also have a responsibility. In order to achieve high ethical standards for procurement we are willing to engage in dialogue and collaboration with our contractors. In addition we expect our contractors to be open and willing to engage in dialogue with us to implement ethical standards for their businesses.

Unwillingness to co-operate or serious violations of the Code of Conduct will lead to termination of contracts.

Human Rights and Labour Rights

Contractors must at all times protect and promote human- and labour rights and work actively to address issues of concern. As a minimum they are obliged to comply with the following ethical standards:

· Respect for Human Rights (UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights)**

The basic principles of the Universal Human Rights are that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and in rights, and everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person. Contractors must not flaunt their responsibility to uphold and promote the Human Rights toward employees and the community in which they operate.

· Non exploitation of Child Labour (UN Child Convention on the Rights of the Child, and ILO Convention C138 & C182)

Contractors must not engage in the exploitation of child labour***[7]*** and contractors must take the necessary steps to prevent the employment of child labour. A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 and children shall not be engaged in labour that compromise their health, safety, mental and social development, and schooling. Children under the age of 15 (in developing countries 14) may not be engaged in regular work, but children above the age of 13 (in developing countries 12) can be engaged in light work if it does not interfere with compulsory schooling and is not harmful to their health and development.

· Employment is freely chosen (ILO Convention C29 & C105)

Contractors must not make use of forced or bonded labour and must respect workers freedom to leave their employer.

· Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining (ILO Convention C87 & C98)

Contractors must recognise workers right to join or form trade unions and bargain collectively, and should adopt an open attitude towards the activities of trade unions (even if this is restricted under national law).

· Living wages are paid (ILO convention C131)**

As a minimum, national minimum wage standards or ILO wage standards must be met by contractors. Additionally a living wage must be provided. A living wage is contextual, but must always meet basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health care and schooling and provide a discretionary income[8] - which is not always the case with a formal minimum wage.

· No discrimination in employment (ILO Convention C100 & C111 and the UN Convention on Discrimination against Women)**

Contractors must not practice discrimination in hiring, salaries, job termination, retiring, and access to training or promotion - based on race, national origin, caste, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, disability, marital status, or HIV/AIDS status.

· No harsh or inhumane treatment of employees (ILO Convention C105)**

The use of physical abuse, disciplinary punishment, sexual abuse, the threat of sexual and physical abuse, and other forms of intimidation may never be practiced by contractors.

· Working conditions are safe and hygienic (ILO Convention C155)**

Contractors must take adequate steps to provide safe and hygienic working environments. Additionally workers safety must be a priority and adequate steps must be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health associated with or occurring in the course of work.**

· Working hours are not excessive (ILO Convention C1 & C14)**

Contractors must ensure that working hours comply with national law and international standards. A working week of 7 days should not exceed 48 hours and employees must have one day off per week. Overtime shall be compensated, limited and voluntary.**

· Regular employment is provided (ILO Convention C143)**

All Work performed must be on the basis of a recognised employment relationship established through international conventions and national law. Contractors must protect vulnerable group’s regular employment under these laws and conventions and must provide workers with a written contract.

International Humanitarian Law

Contractors linked to armed conflicts or operating in armed conflict settings shall respect civilian’s rights under International Humanitarian Law and not be engaged in activities which directly or indirectly initiate, sustain, and/or exacerbate armed conflicts and violations of International Humanitarian Law[9]. Contractors are expected to take a ‘do no harm’ approach to people affected by armed conflict.

Additionally, Contractors shall not be engaged in any other illegal activity.

Involvement in Weapon Activities

The Contracting Authority advocates for the Ottawa Convention against landmines and the Convention on Cluster Munitions against cluster bombs. Contractors shall not engage in any development, distribution, sale, or manufacturing of anti-personnel mines, cluster bombs, components, or any other weapon which feed into violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

Protection of the Environment

The Contracting Authority wishes to minimise the environmental damages applied to nature via our procurement activities and we expect our suppliers and contractors to act in an environmentally responsible manner. This involves respecting applicable national and international environmental legislation and acting in accordance with the Rio Declaration.

As a minimum contractors should address issues related to proper waste management, ensuring recycling, conservation of scarce resources, and efficient energy use.


Corruption is by the Contracting Authority defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain and it includes bribery, fraud, embezzlement and extortion. The Contracting Authority holds a great responsibility to avoid corruption and ensure high standards of integrity, accountability, fairness and professional conduct in our business relations. Contractors are expected to have the same approach by undertaking good and fair business ethics and practices, take action to prevent and fight corruption, and abide by international conventions as well as international and national laws. To fight corruption and promote transparency, contractors who are confronted with corrupt practices are advised to file a complaint in a Complaint Mechanism[10].

A contractor’s involvement in any form of corrupt practice during any stage of a selection process, in relation to the performance of a contract or in any other business context is unacceptable and will lead to the rejection of bids or termination of contracts.

List of International Conventions and Treaties covered by this Code of Conduct for Contractors

· UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948; http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml

· Un Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 2011;


· Geneva Conventions I-IV, 1949 and additional Protocols;


· ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 1998; http://www.ilo.org/declaration/lang--en/index.htm and http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_095898.pdf

· UN Child Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1990; http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc.htm

· C182, Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C182

· C138, Minimum Age Convention, 1973; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C138

· C87, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C087

· C98, Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C098

· C29, Forced Labour Convention, 1930; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C029

· C105, Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C105

· C131, Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C131

· C100, Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C100

· C111, Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C111

· The UN Convention on the Elimination on All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979; http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/cedaw/text/econvention.htm

· C1, Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C001

· C14, Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C014

· C143, Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) convention, 1975; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C143

· C155, Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981; http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C155

· The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992; http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=78&ArticleID=1163&l=en

· The Ottawa Convention, 1997; http://www.apminebanconvention.org/fileadmin/pdf/mbc/text_status/Ottawa_Convention_English.pdf

· The Convention on Cluster Munitions, 2007; http://www.clusterconvention.org/files/2011/01/Convention-ENG1.pdf

· Arms Trade Treaty, 2013; http://www.un.org/disarmament/ATT/

[2] In the launching eventand 6 accountability sessions

[3] Selection of these communities were upon the religious and historical status of some of them, nature and landscaping, keep them connected to other communities in WB (including EJ).

[4] Note that the ACT ALLIANCE EU is the new name designating the organization that was previously the Brussels-based APRODEV Coordination group. (www.aprodev.eu). The work of the ACT ALLIANCE EU is still Brussels-based.

[4] http://www.dieh.dk/etisk-handel/hvordan-etisk-handel/dieh-retningslinjer-for-etisk-handel/dieh-guidelines/

[5] http://www.unglobalcompact.org/AboutTheGC/TheTenPrinciples/


[6] http://ec.europa.eu/echo/partners/humanitarian_aid/procurement_guidelines_en.htm

[7] The definition of Child Labour can be found at: http://www.unglobalcompact.org/AboutTheGC/TheTenPrinciples/principle5.html and http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C138

[8] Discretionary income is the amount of an individual's income that is left for spending, investing, or saving after taxes and personal necessities (such as food, shelter, and clothing) have been paid.

[9] This includes pillage/looting which is the unlawful taking of private property for personal or private gain based on force, threats, intimidation, pressure and through a position of power accomplished due to the surrounding conflict.

[10] Contractors who have signed a contract with DCA, or DCA implementing partner, shall file a complaint through: http://www.danchurchaid.org/about-us/quality-assurance/anti-corruption/complaints

How to apply:

kindly contact us to get the full RFP document.


Contact person: Nadine Bannourah

Tel: 0546193310

Fax: 02-5825638

Email: nkhr@dca.dk

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